Friday, 19 December 2014

The Edit Begins - Slow TV Blog slows...

If the Slow TV blog seems a bit, well, slow over the next month that's down to a couple reasons. Obviously there's Midwinter Solstice, Christmas and New Year to get through in various ways. Then there's the small issue of the reason this blog came into existence: editing the documentary I've been producing for my Master of Arts course in TV Documentary Production. 

"That Damned Cow... Just what is Norwegian Slow TV?" needs to be completed in a month. Besides putting together a film up to 30 minutes long from over 200 GB of filmed material and archive footage, there's a several thousand word reflection on the research and project to carry out and a large portfolio demonstrating research and production to polish.

There are plenty of ideas for the blog once the project is in, and I hope to keep studying Slow TV for some time yet. Even if I don't, I will update the blog with relevant pieces of news and thoughts as the format continues and develops.

My film (a shot of the very first files uploaded and connected above) should be shown at the Slow Media Symposium in March and there is agreement in principle to show the film at a relevant UK venue on 17th May - Norway's Constitution Day.

Things will be slow here for the next month but more will happen! If you want to keep in touch in the meantime, find me on Twitter, Tumblr and Instagram

Slow Television -The Slow TV Blog

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