Tuesday, 3 March 2015

That Damned Cow - Just What is Norwegian Slow TV? Trailer

On March 11th 2014 I sent an email to NRK enquiring about Slow TV; here, almost a year later, is a link to the trailer for the very nearly finished 29 minute documentary which is the fruit of a Masters Degree research project.

The first showing of That Damned Cow will be at the Slow Media Symposium at Bath Spa University; It's possible there could be showings at a French venue in April (to be confirmed) with another showing under discussion at a to-be-confirmed venue in Liverpool on Norway's national day, 17th May. There will hopefully showings at film festivals in June and October - subject to acceptance, of course.

A year of an amazing exploration of an enriching TV format is nearly completed, with further plans to engage and research Slow TV. Watch this space!

That Damned Cow - Just What is Norwegian Slow TV? Trailer from Tim Prevett on Vimeo.

Slow Television -The Slow TV Blog

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