Thursday, 4 December 2014

Breaking Dawn in Trondheim for Slow TV

One of the better things about shorter days is not having to be up quite so early to catch the sunrise. Filming in Trondheim for the Slow TV event, Salmeboka Minutt for Minutt, I wanted to film something which requires patience, offers moments of contemplation and gives natural aesthetics. 

On the Sunday morning, what with BBC Radio Stoke phoning me, I resolved to be out early and catch Trondheim in the deep twilight of a weekend morning. A lovely blue grows over Vår Frue Kirke as I awaited the call.

On the Friday morning I walked up to Kristiansten Fortress on the east side of Trondheim for a full-on sunrise. Getting used to the relative position of the sun from being in Manchester was a surprise, though if I'd thought about it, it ought not to have been. The sun rose very far in the south east. I'd already noticed twilight was a much more protracted affair at this time of year in this part of Norway.

The sun rose much more slowly and at far more a shallow angle than I'm used to in the UK. It took ages to barely scrape under a hill, the intensity of the glow and reflections on the windows on the west side of Trondheim all giving the sun's near presence away. Slow moments do help you notice more than when we operate at a pace our daily routines usually dictate.

It was bitterly cold, too. Probably only about -3 celsius but having come from just one light frost in Manchester so far it was a bit of a noticeable difference. I'd packed scarf and gloves which were an imperative part of the morning's wardrobe. 

Thankfully I chatted with a local lady during filming and some men involved in the setting up of four giant advent candles for ecumenical church services during the run up to Christmas. All very lovely moments, but getting back down hill to the warmth of Kaffebrenneriet coffee shop in the charming Bakklandet area was welcome. Soon to be followed by the official opening of the Salmeboka Sakte TV event.

Slow Television -The Slow TV Blog

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