Saturday, 23 April 2016

Slow TV en los medios españoles - Slow TV in the Spanish media

It's good to see Slow TV being talked about around the world; this week The Slow TV Blog has had hits from Spain (I usually get a few Spanish hits each month), but significantly activity from Mexico, Colombia, Peru and Argentina.

I have what I consider to be a good net of searches which tracks Slow TV but this one had escaped me. A bit of asking around online reveals that Slow TV had a good feature in Spanish magazine, Magnet (thanks, NM!).

Relying on google's translation to English shows a well thought out, considered piece looking at Slow TV from a few angles, embedded footage of different types of Slow TV.

"Boring things can become your new pleasure" nails one way of understanding it, perfectly. Allowing everyday happenings to be invested with a sense of worth, a sense of event and something to marvel at, enabling the subject to tell its own story and facilitating the viewer to take from the broadcast something of their own. It's a sympathetic, considered tone and well worth a look.

To see more, have a look here; if you're using Chrome, right-click and translate to English (or whatever!) to get a reasonable sense of what the article is saying.

A Slow TV is made in Barcelona, of the pre-recorded internet video type, as means of exploring Barcelona. See this link for Slow BTV.

Slow Television - The Slow TV Blog