Sunday 21 January 2024

The Slow TV Blog - and blogger! - still live!

Thanks to you for dropping by!

Yes, it's been rather quiet here on The Slow TV Blog for a while. But, you know, Norwegian Slow TV still occupies my thoughts, emotions and aspirations.

Along with the pandemic, new job, and late-diagnosis at 49 1/2 years old of being Autistic, these and many other things have been demanding my energies. And yes, Autism explains why Norwegian Slow TV became such a core part of my special interests and identity.

As 2024 gets more of a grip, so does another Scandinavian-related project which has been niggling away at me, probably for more than five years now. I'll share more in the weeks and months ahead. Along with that, I'll be widening the scope of this blog and rearrange things somewhat. And find out what may or may not happen with Norwegian (style) Slow TV around the world.

The Slow TV Blog - and blogger - still live!

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